Sunny Bins Spring Cycle

For the second year in a row Sunny Bins has provided the sound track for the Spring Cycle by having mobile wheelie bin sound systems at some of the various stops on the circuit.

Once a year I have to get up at 5.30am with my trusty dog Piccolo and lug several Wheelie Bin sound systems to spots around Sydney so when the cyclists turn up theres a party happening.
Yes we were in a car ( and trailer ) but you try lugging 5 heavy wheelie bin sound systems on a bike.
So Piccolo the ever eager hound and I weaved our way through the springy emerald city from Leichhardt to Western Sydney Parklands dropping off the sound systems with a special Spring Cycle playlist before the 10,000 riders started their circuit.
Since 1984 the Spring Cycle has been attracting riders of all ages and abilities, on bikes of all shapes and sizes. By showcasing Sydney’s growing cycling infrastructure and facilities, the event promotes cycling as a viable and sustainable recreation and transport option for everyone.
My journey through Liechhardt and Haberfield took me past the shocking building sites/loss of public lands to the disastrous Westconnex project before heading out west to greener pastures.
Great to see so many cyclists out on a sunny spring day managing to get about despite Westconnex’s attempt to destroy this town for needless badly designed toll roads.

more pix from the day on the Spring Cycle Facebook page