Sunny Bins will be helping spread the audio with its wireless audio receivers at the historic STOP CSG human sign next Saturday. Here’s some more info from the Stop CSG Sydney group……
Only one week to go until the Human Sign in Sydney Park. Join us on Saturday 13 October to spell out “STOP CSG!” in Sydney Park. Meet at 12 noon in front of the smoke stacks (corner Princes Highway and Sydney Park Rd, St Peters).

We need more volunteers to help on the day
Do you want to do more than just turn up and be in the sign? We still need volunteers on the day to help us create the sign.
Can you help as a marshall or to sell yellow triangles on the day?
We still need a first aid medic – if you hold a current first aid certificate we need you. Contact Sandy 0403 195 627 or email Sandra Thompson
Please help promote the human sign
Hand out fliers at your local train station one morning – email [email protected]
Letterbox flyers near your house – ph Josie 0414 451 843 or
Help on a stall at Newtown or Addison Road – ring Josie 0414 451 843
Share on Facebook
Register on our website
Or just turn up on the day
Bring a picnic. Bring a drink. There’ll be bands and music afterwards near the chimney stacks. Special notes: Wear any colour but Green (so we stand out against the Grass). Leave dogs at home
Be part of Australia’s anti-CSG feature film
Do you want to be part of an anti-CSG feature film? Stay back for 30 minutes after the human sign on 13 October to be part of a crowd shot of 100s marching over the hill holding “NO GAS” signs high. Sunday is our monthly meeting.
Protestors blockade road in Southern Highlands
The Southern Highlands Coal Action Group is blockading against exploration drilling at the site of a proposed underground coal mine at Sutton Forest. Read more
A piece of history
The Member for Gosford, Chris Hartcher gave this excellent speech against coal seam gas in 2005. Click here for the speech
Another council says NO to Coal Seam Gas
Last Tuesday Gosford Council voted to support a motion to prohibit CSG exploration and mining in Gosford LGA. There was lots of debate and lots of applause from the gallery for speakers in support of motion. Nearly forty councils in NSW have now said NO to Coal Seam Gas.
Inspiring videos
Watch this inspiring video from Stop CSG Illawarra which sums it up perfectly
Click here to watch Bimblebox online for free
Attend Groundswell Gloucester on 27 and 28 October
Spend a week-end with other people fighting coal seam gas in their communities. Register now.
National week of action across Australia
Sydney’s human sign is just one event happening across NSW as part of Lock the Gate’s National Week of Action
Rock the Gate Bellingen – 20th October
Human Sign to Protect our H2O – Bulli – 21st October
CSG Free Community Event – Lake Burragong (Western Sydney) – 14th October
Stop CSG Blue Mountains – 13th October
Fullerton Cove Protect our Water Fundraiser – 6th October
More useful links and news
Coal Seam Gas threatens water catchments in NSW
Greens MP takes on Nationals on inaction on CSG in parliament
NSW Govt puts entire state up for grabs for CSG
Sydney CSG Licence renewed
Nattai declares itself CSG Free
How about declaring your street or community “CSG FREE”
Ask APPEA to take down its misleading CSG ads down
Only 2% of Australia’s employment is in mining |